Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Take off the vanity

and you will see
A dirty, scungy wall
Looking at me!

Yuck! Will get on and try to clean it up after this post. Check out the rag on the floor - the navy/yellow one. That was part of DH's honeymoon jammies until they fell apart. ;-)

Layout for the SBO Cybercrop Challenge 1 using Trina's sketch. I've prettied it up some since the night it was done, and taken a better photo.

I am a lucky chicky! I won some Fiskar's kid scissors from the Fiskar's blog. Neat!

And the lovely Janine is going to send me a book. Yay! Thank you Janine.

So I am feeling special :-)

Have some plans for more baggy giveaways in the pipeline but I need to actually make them. And the bathroom is preying on my mind right now. But keep your eyes peeled if you are interested in eco-bags.

I've got 2.8kg worth of figs on the stove getting made into jam. I've already made 2 lots of jam and there are more figs on the tree. Might have to let the cheeky wax eyes have at them. ;-) It'll give DH an excuse to get out in his bag hide and take their photo.


  1. Ha ha...Those honeymoon jammies must have gotten lots of good use!

  2. Anonymous4:51 pm

    Can't wait to see the bathroom all finished! DIY is hard work but very rewarding to say you did it yourself.

    Love your take on the sketch.

    And congrats on your wins!

  3. Anonymous8:56 pm

    love how you added the art work!

  4. Your layout is gorgeous!!! Love how you've included the little piece of art :D Your bathroom is going to look so cool when you're done!!!
