Monday, May 12, 2008

Menu Plan Monday

Monday - Pizza and left over soup (since we didn't eat this on Sat)
Tuesday - sage & onion chicken and sausage bake, potatos, steamed broccoli
Wednesday - leftovers plus some veges
Thursday - Slater* soup
Friday - Herb and Ricotta Gnocchi with tomato sauce. Apple and fejoa crumble for dessert
Saturday - Lasagne, salad or green beans
Sunday - Corned beef (crockpot) plus the usual fixin's to go with it.

This week I'm experimenting with doing my grocery shopping fortnightly (i.e. every 2 weeks) rather than weekly. So I have actually planned next week's menu too but it shall not be revealed until next Monday.

Obsessive perhaps?

I am hoping that shopping fortnightly will cut our grocery bill a bit. We shall see. I will have to top up things like milk and fresh veges/fruit. Hopefully I will be able to get to the Farmer's Market next Saturday in order to get the latter.

*From Nigel Slater. You didn't really think I'd eat wood lice did you?


  1. Does slater soup come with "Mantis" on the side? hee hee Good luck with the fortnightly grocery shop. I tried that, but wasn't good at keeping my list uptodate, so kept having to sneak back for things other than milk, fruit and veg before the 2 weeks was up!

  2. Anonymous8:42 pm

    let us know how you go with the fortnight shop! I have found since shopping online we have saved heaps! Always looking for more ways to save more money!! The menu planning for a fortnight isn't obsessive thats organised.

  3. Anonymous8:53 pm

    oh I have feijoas, I think I'll make a crumble for pud tomorrow night.

  4. Heya there Penny, found your blog through Beverleys and thought I'd say a little hiya if that's ok! :-)I LOVE to menu plan too, it has saved me heaps of time and money being so organised for the fortnightly grocery shop!

    Take care and God bless
    Chrissy x

  5. Good idea on the every two weeks...We should try that around here. I don't enjoy going to the store every week. :)

  6. Anonymous7:01 am

    I'll be there for Friday's meal. Just set a place for me.

  7. Penny, will you post your corned beef recipe? We had it for St. Pat's day, and Matt has been asking for it ever since!

  8. Love the menu planning Penny. I can't do the fortnightly shopping. I have to top up on fruit and veges (we go through about $80 a fortnight). Would love to hear how your fortnightly shopping goes. I have thought about going ever 10 days for groceries and trying to keep the same price. But thought is about all I've done LOL

  9. hope it works!!!

    the online shopping was GOOD...

    2 weekly helps us... also means less trips to the supermarket.

  10. Oh to be a tad bit as organized as you. Some times when I actually have my act together my hubby will throw a wrench in and we go out to eat or he wants something else.

    So frustrating sometimes.

  11. Anonymous9:04 pm

    yep spread that organized bug y way, I definately need it!
