Sunday, January 01, 2012

#blog12daysxmas A year of self portraiture

Goodbye 2011, hello 2012!
Do I have any resolutions?  No, I've made plenty of vows that I need to keep up with so don't need any new ones. 

Looking back over the year - it's been quite a good one for me though I have to say it's been so full on in places that I didn't cope that well.  Thanks to those who've made it easier, who've stood by me and encouraged me.

One project that has been fun, revealing and challenging has been the Daily Image project I joined.  My  photos are indicative of my year.

Here are a few.
So what next... another daily project?  I quite like the idea of 365 photos of something in my day so maybe that one will work.

1 comment:

  1. Go you taking a photo of you every day! I could start PL but I know by the time July arrived it would be long forgotten
