His phone call was rather unexpected. I had been working for a while, and had various projects on the go. My last relationship had fizzled (a happy escape) some years before. While I hadn't given up hope of love 'n' marriage, I also had decided to make the most of single life. My sister and I were saving up to go on an OE together. One evening the phone rang and my youngest sister came into my room with a puzzled look on her face, "It's for you" she said, obviously wondering why some guy was calling me. A very nervous DH said,
"Hello, how's it going?"
Me: "ummm... fine" [*thinks* Who is this?]
DH: "It's Rodney here."
Me: "Oh! Hi!" [*thinks* Why are you calling me?]
DH: "I was wondering if you'd like to go out for dinner some time?"
Me: "Well..er..sure! When were you thinking of?" [*thinks* I'll give anyone at least one try]
DH: "Ummm... I hadn't decided that yet." [*thinks* Sh**! She said yes!!]
Me: "Okay - well when you've decided let me know" [*thinks* Poor guy!]
DH: "Okay - I call you"
Me: "Okay. . umm"
DH: "See you"
Me: "Bye"
I hung up the phone and turned around to see both my sisters waiting to know what it was about. No privacy in our house! LOL! The day came. My sisters were all agog of course. "Please will you let us pluck your eye brows?" they said.
He took me out to Valentines - not the most romantic venue but we were both kind of nervous so at least there was nothing unexpected about the menu.
So were there stars in our eyes and fireworks in the air? No. I can't say that there was a magical pixie pointing at him saying "He's the one!" What we did have was animated conversation and by the end of the evening we had discovered quite a bit in common. We both felt "comfortable" with each other and decided we'd date again.
Eventually, there was an another entry in my diary

And my sister went on an OE by herself. ;-)