Heeeeey we're on the home stretch!
1. Shifting sands - was relevant to my interests today as I pondered some stuff happening around me. Also this one on disruptive education.
2. I've bitten the bullet and signed up to My Food Bag. You can see what we'll be eating next week.
3. Am engrossed in Game of Thrones series. Have ideas about "epic" video for promoting library services which led to searching Jamendo for dramatic orchestral music as a sound track. You see how my mind works...
4. These wind sculptures are cool. Probably not so suitable for my Wellington friends right now...
5. (For the believers and because I needed this today)
playing catch up, that sculpture is hypnotic but given our weather of the last three days it wouldn't have sounded as relaxing. Crazy weather bomb. Love your crochet btw, and I laughed at how you signed up hubby for swimming classes and then told him. Hope the wrist is okay after that chopping.