Saturday, June 26, 2010

Day 25: Life is a box of chocolates

according to Forrest Gump's mother...

If that's the case, then which one of the Cadbury Roses chocs goes with which bit of your life?

Bad bits for me would be the Strawberry Creams.. don't like those ones.
Boring parts would be the plain dairy Milk ones.
Exciting parts would be the Hazelnut Praline Crisp or maybe the Turkish Delight
Getting married - Lemon cheesecake --> classic, smooth and sweet
Kids being born ... hmmm, Hazelnut whirl - reminds me of the head-pushing-out bit! Ow.

How 'bout you?  Consider this a meme ;-P

Here is a list of the chocolates on the box I was given today as a thank you for something.

Dairy Milk
Hazelnut praline crisp
Cherry Ripe
Hazelnut Whirl
Strawberry Cream
Turkish Delight
Classic Fudge
Vanilla Butter Caramel
Chocolate Supreme
Lemon Cheesecake
Caramello Deluxe
Peppermint Cream


  1. I LOVE love love Turkish Delight! I'll be really sad if someone else took the Turkish Delight before me!!!

  2. Yay for turkish delight and lemon. also had to be quick for your fav. flav. in our house :-)

  3. I love turkish delight nad Strawberry creams..

  4. Mmmmm, let me see - I reckon a choice of caramels will get me through almost anything...
    Caramello deluxe
    Vanilla Butter Caramel
    Classic Fudge
    good times AND bad

  5. Bad Bits - Peppermint Cream (not my fav)

    Boring Parts - Dairy Milk

    Exciting Parts - Turkish Delight

    Getting Married - Cherry Ripe

    Comfort and Security - Strawberry Creams

    New Direction - Hazelnut Praline Crisp

    PMT time - Chocolate Supreme

    Celebrations - Caramello Deluxe

    Now I want chocolate lol

  6. ditto Kate's choices my all time fav is fudge esp caramel fudge

  7. hehehee I think I am the opposite to Janine!

    Bits that disgust me - turkish delight & cherry ripe!
    Most excellent bits - peppermint creme (what a surprise!) :-)
    Good bits - hazelnut praline crisp, hazelnut whirl, chocolate supreme, caramello deluxe
    Mediocre bits - dairy milk, lemon cheesecake
    Bits I'll eat if they are all that's left beside turkish delight & cherry ripe - classic fudge, vanilla butter caramel, strawberry cream
