Monday, May 18, 2009

I'm also blogging at:

The Room of Infinite Diligence

I'm going to move my librarianship related blogging to the blog above. It's a joint blog with some other librarians. This is what we're about:

The Room of Infinite Diligence is community blog consisting of a number of professional librarians from around New Zealand. We hope that you will find our musings both entertaining and thought provoking. We also hope that not only will you read us, but will engage with us to create a community of thought, where librarians from all parts of the sector can discuss the issues and problems of interest to them.

This blog (Walking Upside Down) will be my personal blog for stuff about me, my family, crafts, reading round ups and rants.

And just for your entertainment:

DH to DS: Do the lions in Africa eat zebras?
DS: No. They eat meat.


  1. Lol! What did hubby say to that?

  2. Fantastic.

    Liam's having trouble with the concept that granny's my mum.

    When Granny said "Emma is My baby" he said "NO GRANNY you're telling stories, I'm your baby!"


  3. Haha, your son is so entertaining! Love it when you share the things he says so we get to have a chuckle too.

  4. So cool to write that stuff down - we do forget.

    (I actually worry about the day that my blog is wiped from the fae of the earth and all my reminisces are lost - ah well!)
