Thursday, January 08, 2009

A Blogosphere Book Circle?

Would you be interested in such a thing?

We could do something like this:

  1. Everyone submit a few book titles they'd like to read sometime this year. They can be fiction or non-fiction and in any genre. We could try and expand our reading habits a bit.
  2. Vote on the titles and I will rank the titles according to their votes. The first 12 titles will be our reading list for the year.
  3. We read the book of that month sometime during the month.
  4. We post about the book in the last week of the given month with our review and some discussion.
Having a 12 month list means we can plan ahead and place a hold on any books we need from the library. I'm not expecting you to buy the books unless you really want to.

What do you think? I don't want to make it too onerous with lots of rules. We might have some guidelines for our blogpost though, something like this discussion guide from but I'm not expecting anything like your 6th Form English class as such... just a bit of virtual book chat.

If you are interested, leave a comment and we'll see if it will get off the ground. If you don't have a blog but still want to join, leave a comment anyway. Or email me at pdugmore2001 at yahoo dot co dot nz.


  1. Anonymous2:35 pm

    Ohhh I could be interested in this. Anything to take me away from the text books *sigh*

  2. Anonymous3:39 pm

    sounds good to me Penny....count me in.

  3. Anonymous4:06 pm

    Count me in please...altho I feel I might be overextending myself. I don't always get through the book I read for my physical book club (but our number one rule is- come even if you haven't started/finished!).

  4. I'd be interested in this, anything to get the little grey cells working again.
    My local libraries are pretty sad though so I might have trouble getting things.

    Yes I do belong to more than one library system because of the above reason.

  5. Anonymous7:47 pm

    This sounds fantastcic Penny, and might actually make me read at least one book in the month.

  6. I could be keen Penny, but do we have to commit to every month?

  7. I would be very keen Penny, I love to read and this might just extend the books I choose.
