Sunday, August 17, 2008

Vive le Weekend

Ahhhhh the weekend. Shame it's nearly over. Still, it's nice to be able to play a bit with my stuff. Managed to finish a layout, Mel's bags, make gnocchi and 2 cheesecakes plus 4 loads of washing. Drying it is another matter. I'm afraid I had to resort to the evil carbon crunching dryer. *sigh*

Our lawn is like a swamp - just need a few flax bushes, tussocks and pukekos and we'd be sweet. DH suggested digging a few holes to make a pond so some Paradise Ducks could come and make their zzzzzt zzzzzt noises in our back yard.

Still, I have seen evidence that spring is coming. The Magnolia trees and flowering cherries are in bloom, plus the daffodils too. And I believe there are some lambies frolicing out in the paddocks down on the farms. So... there is hope. But boy oh boy am I sick of the rain already!

DS is a delight lately. He's been so polite and thoughtful. (Interspersed with playing rough with his sister!). I've been getting lots of kisses, and lots of compliments. "You're so beautiful Mummy" and other such stuff. Flattery will get you everywhere my son. ;-) This morning he got me my toast and vegemite.

As for this rat - well, we have a totally different personality in this cupcake. She's going to be a right minx I think. Both kids have bad coughs and yesterday DD actually puked from it.

Unfortunately I was holding her at the time and it went all over my back. Since I hadn't done my hair up, all over my hair as well! Puke conditioner anyone? So we jumped in the shower to clean up. I washed my hair (as you do) and when DD saw my towel wrapped over my head she insisted on having one too. Fortunately I have a few micro-fibre mini towels that suit the job perfectly.

This is a layout I started at the Waikato crop and hadn't finished. I have journalled on it since (had to get a slick writer thing). We visited West Lynn gardens a while back. Lovely gardens. They have a butterfly house for Monarch butterflies there, but unfortunately it's not the right season for them. We'll have to go back in the summer I think.


  1. Anonymous2:36 pm

    LOL, had a flat in Westlynn Road back in the late 80s. That's a blast from the past. Never visited the gardens though.

    Yep, have been puked on multitudes of times and never get used to it.

    You don't want the pukekos, trust me. They are always wrecking our garden. Cute but pesky!

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend. :)

  2. And doesn't that vegemite on toast just look delicious LOL...Hope he keeps up the flattery, it's good for the soul.

  3. Love those photos Penny. So cute. And the even spreading (or should I say lumps) of butter and vegemite! Nice :-) heehe Cool LO there too. Hope L is feeling more the thing now.

  4. Anonymous7:27 pm

    Ugh, puking on mummy is not good! I hope Lydia's cough gets better soon. She looks pretty cute in her PJs with her towel around her head ;-)
    Oh, and Timothy sounds like the cutest and sweetest little guy! Love how he made your toast - adorable!!!

  5. Anonymous9:23 pm

    How cute is that vegemite on toast! My boy is good on the compliment thing too ... a good skill to have I think!

  6. Anonymous10:19 pm

    you had a productive weekend. Pass on the puke conditioner though. But awww Miss L looks so cute in her towel wrap. Gosh that toast looked so yummy and what a thoughtful son you have.

  7. Sick kids - ugh! Nice when they are nice though. I am so totally over the rain myself - you can hear the water running on the lawn!

  8. Oh, isn't that gorgeous, long may it continue!

  9. Wow, your toast looks wonderful. :) That's very funny. Sorry to hear the kiddos are sick! I can totally relate to the too much rain feeling--it wasn't so long ago I was sitting in that space back in spring here. I am sending sunshine vibes over to you!

  10. eeuw about the conditioner, but I know how you feel. We've had it all over the carpet, rug & bed lately - it's the thing I find the hardest to cope with. Hope your kids get better soon... we have had weeks of that here & it's no fun.
    Even our sand filled lawn is a bog - imagine what a 20+ kg dog has done to it while doing flying high dives off the terrace:(

  11. Oh such a pretty l/o!

  12. Anonymous9:30 am

    She's so beautiful. Sick or not. LOL Love the layout.

  13. Fab photos - and bags.... yippie!!! Let me know what I owe you - new email address thorns1
    at clear dot net dot nz

  14. You are one busy lady! Love the layouts and the towel do!

    Hope those kiddos feel better soon.

