Friday, April 27, 2007

tagged... twice!!

OK - Ruth & Lucy both tagged me so I'd better do this! 7 random facts about me.
1. I am 33% geek according to a geek survey I did.
2. I love gardening but am terrible at weeding.
3. I would like to take up painting (as in art) one day.
4. I wanted to be a surgeon when I grew up but changed my mind when I didn't get into med school, (thank goodness). Then I wanted to be a marine biologist for a while but I get seasick while snorkeling. So I am one of the few librarians with a science degree.
5. I am a New Zealander but also have citizenship in Australia -my folks came to NZ to live and I was born here, but my Dad registered me in Oz too. I have had an Ozzie passport as well as an NZ one though I've let it lapse at present.
6. I started school at Primrose Hill Primary School in London. My Dad had a sabbatical there when we were little. I came home with a British accent. People tell me I still don't have a strong NZ accent.
7. I want to travel some more around the world but get air sick really easily. I've tried so many remedies!


  1. Anonymous11:37 am

    wow that is interesting about your education and upbringing. What an interesting life. Was your dad a Uni lecturer? So how did you get into the Librarian world? I still have a desire to be a childrens librarian.

  2. Anonymous12:53 pm

    Great list, a scientific librarian huh? Oh to be surrounded by books all day - lovely!

  3. Anonymous9:13 pm

    double-tagged eh!! :)
    interesting about those different career options. I didn't know science librarians were so rare : I was a student librarian in the engineering library at university and one of my engineering classmates became a librarian ... maybe I have rare friends!! LOL

  4. yep Janine, Dad is a dean at the uni up here :) I had an epiphany in my 2nd year at uni and decided what i liked most was learning information so I became a librarian to keep on learning!

    yep karen, we're a rare species! ;)

  5. Anonymous8:51 pm

    well that all sounds very interesting

  6. Anonymous8:43 pm

    Love the geek percentage... keep telling my daughter fall in love with a geek, they will treat you like a queen trying figure out how they got you... dont go for the rugby head!! Sterotypes arent that great!!
