Monday, September 04, 2006

I like to move it move it!

Hee hee - can't resist these guys when I'm at the zoo. We went last weekend and a good time was had by all. Funnily enough DS was mostly fascinated by the rats at the children's zoo, but he did like the other animals as well. It's a shame that there were no tigers (coming this month) because he's very keen on them. He pretends to be one frequently. DH took a great pic of the new cheetahs which DS has now claimed and insisted it was put up on the wall in his room.

NB: Flickr seems to be playing up and won't display pics. Hopefully that will be fixed soon.


  1. those pics are great. i especially like the 2nd one. :)

  2. Anonymous4:14 pm

    Love the photos!!! Funny what interest children. :-) Thank you for the info on Bloglines. It saves so much time now!! It's fantastic!!

  3. LOL - my little boy LOVES that song! Awesome photos of the lemurs - they are such cute animals.

  4. Anonymous10:48 pm

    LOL love the photos and the title!
    Our nephew loved playing tigers when he was two/three (stayed with us while Maman was pregnant again) but we were *not allowed to scare me* (because he was the tiger??!!) LOL

  5. Oh they are cute aren't they. Their tails are so cool. I haven't been to the zoo for years. Must go soon.

  6. Great photos Penny. Don't think I have commented on your blog before. Hi!!! Thanks for the lesson in bloglines. Have sorted it out for me and it's great.

  7. I actually laughed out loud at the title. Savannah used to sing that and dance all the time. Ah. Memories. Awesome pics, BTW.
