Monday, September 25, 2006

27 Weeks

The latest belly pictures. Looking at the photos I have of me pregnant with DS I can say I am larger this time. Must be those lax stomach muscles since I was the same weight to start with both times.

Everything is going well. I did the 1 hour glucose test on Friday, and should hear about the results at my midwife appointment this week. I'm not concerned about it as I've not had any problems before with gestational diabetes. I'm meeting the back up midwife this time; hopefully she will be nice. So far I have escaped the constant heartburn I had with DS which is great. Still having problems with sciatica though. Stretching helps.


  1. you look beautiful. love the pic of tim kissing your belly. :)

  2. Anonymous7:50 pm

    love the photos of you Penny and the one of DS kissing your belly is gorgeous.

  3. beautiful pictures!

  4. Anonymous12:09 am

    looking good!

  5. You are looking great!
